POWERFUL 2025 Morning Routine
If we’d like to improve our life, and manifest more financial abundance, if we’d like to increase happiness, decrease stress, increase opportunities, better our relationships, etc. – We need to upgrade our personal operating system.

We live in a time when the latest in technology is at our fingertips… our smartphone.
So think about this for a moment; our smartphones - this absolutely amazing piece of technology in our pocket or purse, needs periodic system updates to function properly.
News flash! As humans, so do we - we need periodic system updates as well!
By the time we’re 35 years old, over 95% of our thoughts, beliefs, actions and reactions have been completely programmed into us. Many of those when we were just kids.
For the most part we’re sleepwalking through life.
We wake up the same, go to the bathroom, make our coffee, check our email and Facebook, drive to work the same way - work - drive home, have dinner, watch TV and go to bed – again, all without much thought.
Then think about it, the majority of what we do on a daily basis, we don’t need to use our brain for – our body has memorized our routine!
Now if our thoughts ultimately create our reality; if we keep thinking the same… if we continue this sleepwalk… our life doesn’t change, it can’t get better.
So... if we’d like to improve our life, and manifest more financial abundance, if we’d like to increase happiness, decrease stress, increase opportunities, better our relationships, etc. – We need to upgrade our personal operating system.
How do we do that? With the “DominatingEDGE™ Morning Routine.”
I call it the 1% Advantage. The 1% Advantage is spending just 1% of today, that’s just 14 minutes in the morning, to make the other 99% better.
There are just 4 simple pieces;
First Gratitude – Most people wake up in the morning and start thinking about their day, worrying about their problems, the bills, the kids, their job… so they start their day in anxiety and fear.
I’m suggesting we start each morning, the moment we’re conscious in bed, silently giving thanks for everything in our life. As we lay in bed with our eyes still closed, we silently give thanks for the warm bed we’re sleeping in, our partner, spouse or possibly pet laying next to us. Continuing to give thanks for my home, my car or transportation, my job, my family and friends, for the abundance that continues to flow into my life daily - my perfect health, etc.
Just 2 minutes of silently giving thanks.
What we do in the morning, sets the tone for the rest of the day. With this first practice, we’re setting ourselves up for success & happiness.
This 1 simple practice, gratitude, can shift your life dramatically!
Second – Quieting the mind - Giving our brain a break for a minute.
The quickest way to quiet the mind and connect with this perfection at our very core, is to sit with our spine straight, feet flat on the floor, hands in our lap, palms up - right hand on top of the left with thumbs touching. Then just follow your breath, bring your attention to the rising and falling of the chest.
When we stop all thought, we stop all resistance, and our vibration (our ability to attract better things and experiences into our life) raises.
There are many ways to quiet the mind.
If you’re new to this, for the first week, let’s spend 10 minutes just sitting in a chair in the proper position, keeping your body still - you can have your eyes open or closed, let your thoughts do what they want, but keep your body still.
Sitting in silence is a skill, like any other skill you may have (golf, tennis, archery, knitting or piano) it takes practice… There is no such thing as bad practice, but practice you must. Do your best and continue your practice every day for 7 days.
In the second week we’ll add the next step in this practice of quieting the mind. We’ll continue sitting still for 10 minutes, this time with our eyes closed, and then mentally trace down through the body, starting at the top of the head - intentionally relaxing each muscle. Relax the forehead and release any tension, let the cheek muscles relax, now your lips and chin, release any tension in your shoulders, and continue down through the body.
Typically when we have tension in the body, it’s caused by stress, uncertainty or fear - this blocks our ability to raise our vibration. As we release this tension we’re holding on to, we’re in more of a position to reconnect with this brilliance, this oneness, this universal presence at our very core.
In week three we’ll start the practice of quieting the mind - letting go of each thought that comes into our head, and focusing on our breath.
Think of your thoughts as clouds passing in the sky.
Recognize the thought, recognize that you’re thinking, and then just release it and let it go, returning your focus to the breath - to the rising and falling of the chest. As we turn our focus on this one thing; the rising and falling of the chest, or possibly the cool air entering our nostrils and the warm air exiting, etc., what we’re doing is “taming the wild stallion”, and that is our mind.
We’re in the process of taking back control of our thoughts, taking back control of our emotion, reclaiming our happiness, and opening to opportunity.
Now - this quiet mind creates NEW MENTAL SPACE as we move into practice three, for the final two minutes.
Third - Animating our future - We Animate Our Future - with visualization.
There is substantial scientific evidence that supports the benefits of creating mental images of future events, through visualization. The act of visualization is closing your eyes and imagining your life today, as the life of your dreams. Visually rehearse your desires, with emotion, in extreme detail.
See yourself in that new relationship, see yourself in that new position, see yourself doing what you love - again, visually rehearse (watch a movie in your mind) of what it is you want to attract into your life.
Nicola Tesla said “If you want to find out the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” I want you to visualize with emotion, because emotion is energy, and energy is magnetic!
If you're truly present during this visualization process - your brain doesn’t know the difference between this vivid movie of your ideal life..., and your current experience – and will act to bring this new ideal life about.
You now have the tools to bring massive positive change to your life; gratitude, quieting the mind and visualization. Which will allow you to move through your day and begin to recognize the thoughts, beliefs & emotions that no longer support you, so you can choose better thought, choose a higher thought.
Please don’t think it will take months or years to bring change - it can happen instantly!
If you incorporate this practice for just 21 days, you’ll see massive positive results.
But, there’s one final step in upgrading our personal operating system;
Fourth - Active Co-Creation - So what is active co-creation? It’s about doing your part.
YOU must discipline yourself to start your day with the “DominatingEDGE™ Morning Routine”, which will ultimately put you in control of yourself! You then take this awakened new you out into the day, into your life, into your office, into your relationships and interactions, also taking meaningful action toward your vision or vocation.
In this awakened state - we choose our thoughts, words and actions wisely and with intention, knowing they are continually attracting back into your life… this is the Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction says; Our thoughts and emotions attract similar, even stronger thoughts and emotions, eventually manifesting in our life.
Period, simple = what we think about we bring about!
Using these DominatingEDGE™ practices; Gratitude, Quieting the Mind, Animating Our Future and Active Co-Creation, provide an “upgrade to your personal operating system” putting you in alignment, to attract your highest and best in all areas of your life; an abundance of wealth, abundant relationships, abundant health, abundant happiness.
Remember, nothing in life can change, or get better - until we do.
Jeff Hammer is a Mindset Architect and founder of DominatingEdge.com, dedicated to helping individuals break free from limiting beliefs and achieve their highest potential.